Daily UI Challenge
A collection of UI challenges that I spend only 30 minutes on. I focus on function, explore different layouts, color palettes, and typography. I use these challenges as a way to learn and grow in my design skills and express my creativity and design style by playing with different concepts and layouts.
Error 404 page
For this challenge I designed an error 404 page. I had a lot of fun playing around with a more minimalist layout.
Settings page
The task was to design a settings page for mobile. I decided to mimic a similar layout to the iPhone, but play around with colors and icons. I had a lot of fun with this one.
Landing page
This daily UI challenge was to create a landing page. I decided to create an app for avid campers that focused on helping them find great campsite locations. I wanted this app to have more of a vector feel, so I used vector images and icons and played with bright and bold colors.
Credit Card Form
For this daily UI I created a credit card form. I wanted this to be very clean and sharp. I played around with drop shadows and bold colors.
Sign up flow
For this daily UI, I created a sign up for for a Honey Bee app. I really wanted to play around with clipart visuals and create a fun flow that would engage users.
To-Do list
For this daily UI, the task was to create a to-do list. I decided on a simple to-do list app with the ability to customize reminders and utilize a calendar that could expand or shrink. I also added pagination to each item to be able to expand or shrink to give more details if necessary.
Task Management Calendar
Time: 30 minutes
I created a task management calendar and focused on a very simple layout with the ability to access tasks for each day depending on the date you clicked. I wanted the colors to be light and airy and focus on creating visual white space.
Blog Post
Time: 30 minutes
The challenge was to create a blog post, and I chose to create a design for desktop and played with dotted lines, typography, and colors. I really had a lot of fun with this challenge.
Time: 30 minutes
The challenge was to create a weather app of some sort. I played around with vector shapes and blending colors, as well as typography and cleanliness of the design.
Special offer
Time: 30 minutes
The challenge was to create some time of promotion or special offer. I chose design an actual ticket to use as a sort of coupon. I had fun playing around with shapes to create the layout of a ticket. I also stuck with more darker colors that I feel popped on the screen.
Time: 30 minutes
I created a peach smoothie recipe and played around a lot with color, typography, and how to overlay text and images. I also played with icons and ways to organized the layout, as well as brighter colors.
subscribe button
Time: 30 minutes
I followed the previous design by continuing the puppy theme and created a subscribe button that notified someone when there was a puppy available to pet. I kept this simple and played around with different typography and icons.
Search bar
Time: 30 minutes
I created a search bar and focused on a simple layout with a big picture on one side and the text on the other. I wanted the header to be big and bold and then search bar underneath it to be a bit lighter.
Time: 30 minutes
I was tasked with creating a leaderboard. This was the very first design challenge I had ever done. I played around with images and masking layers, creating hierarchy with the “winners”, and exploring different colors and blending one color hue with another.